Woman holding her tired eyes open whilst looking in a mirror

“You look tired.” These three little words are the hardest ones to hear - especially when you are feeling well rested. So how do we combat our increasingly fatigued faces?

As well as “why when I look in the mirror do I always look tired?”, other questions we frequently hear are “my face looks as if its drooping” and “I always look so sad”. But what can we do to address these natural concernes?

When we age, our skin starts to lose its moisture (hyaluronic acid) and the levels of collagen and elastin in the dermis start to decline. This means that our skin quality is affected, becomes dry, decreases in volume and lines and wrinkles start to appear across the face and body.

These signs of ageing are most commonly noticed first around the cheeks and chin, where levels of subcutaneous fat in the face begins to decline and the bones in the skull start to reabsorb and become thinner, meaning the skin appears to hang and sag.

Imagine a cushion getting older … as the stuffing flattens, the cover isn’t as tight at it once was. This is what happens to the skin and the shape of the face changes from the “triangle of youth” to a more rectangular and heavier shaped jaw.

Close up of woman's face before dermal filler treatment
Close up of woman's face after dermal filler treatment

This is where dermal filler plays a huge part, helping to restore lost volume across the face and body.

The most commonly offered dermal fillers are made from hyaluronic acid and can be injected into the different layers of the skin, creating subtle, smooth and long-lasting results.

Some people are put off by injectable treatments due to the undesirable effects seen on friends or social media, such as frozen faces and pillowy cheeks - which are just some of the worries our clients have expressed.

However you can rest-assured that with Eterno Aesthetics, a thorough pre-procedure consultation will be carried out to ascertain your goals + the look you want to achieve, as we offer several injectable products, which include Juvéderm® and Botox® and can help you to decide which one is right for your skin type and concerns.